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Our goal is to provide a spot for tested, successful, and meaningful activities for practical teachers to utilize. Look for these regular features in addition to weekly blog posts: Tech. Tip Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday (quote or picture with no additional narrative), Doodad Day (reviews of items we use in the classroom).

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Expectations with Literature

During the first weeks of school, I teach behavior expectations incorporating character and community building.  Several of my favorite week-one lessons launch with children's literature. 

My Mouth is a Volcano! by Julia Cook
After reading, we discuss the difficulty Louie had with self-control (waiting to speak, although he really had something to say),  This is the perfect opportunity to use what I call 'The Bubble Lesson", with credit to Mr. Justin Smith at TeacherTipster.com   

Character Building
The Way I Act  by Steve Metzger
While reading this book, I list the character words (such as persistent or compassionate) on a chart. We then 'translate' them into kid-friendly terms.  I like to translate in a different color next to the word.  When students have a decent understanding of the "way we act", I display the following Class Promise (discovered on Pinterest).  We'll be reciting this promise each day at the beginning of our class meeting.  Love it!

I promise to treat my classroom,
And its people with respect.
I promise to solve problems,
And always try my best.
I promise to tell the truth
And take responsibility.
I promise to never give up
And be the best person I can be.
I promise to participate,
And fun with what we do.
I promise to learn a lot
And help others learn too.

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids  by Steven Covey
Another chance to reinforce character, reading one short story a day.  Each story has a moral, such as Be Proactive.  Added bonus, there is a cute little worm hidden in each illustration.  I have seen a lot on TpT about this little treasure book, most are great follow-up lessons involving students making connections to the text and writing. 

Welcome back to school !

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